representing the future with passion and pride

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Sport & Education


Quanera Hayes (Nike) at the 2024 USATF Indoor Track and Field Championships, earns a place on the 4x400 meter relay and will represent the United States in Glasgow Scotland March 1-3, 2024. Click HERE to learn more. | Photo Credit

Empowering through Sport and Education

Francique Sport and Education Consulting, LLC was born out of our desire to reach back and assist individuals and organizations wanting to further their education through sport and athletic participation. Our team is graced with expertise in P-20 education, administration, and Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion management. Our team has lived experiences in high school, college, and professional athletic participation. Our team is engaged in service-learning and research dissemination from the local community to the international environment in physical activity, athletic participation, and sporting culture in societies. 

Our team specializes in educational workshops, developmental programs, and research engagement. Therefore, whether you are a coach, a parent, an athlete, and/or just interested in hearing our message, please Contact Us.  

Connect with Francique Sport and Education Consulting, LLC to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire whether our services are right for you.


To learn more about our services, click HERE


Contact Us




Akilah Carter-Francique, PhD |

Alleyne Francique, OBE, OLY |


Areas of Service & Practice


Provide educational workshops and lectures for prospective college athletes, parents, coaches, and P-20 schools and institutions. See the calendar for upcoming events


Provide personal and professional development through resume building, mentoring, and preparing for life in and after sport participation.


Produce and provide theoretical and practical research on diverse issues in athletics and sport with emphasis on people of color and women such as Black women in sport and physical activity. See the calendar for upcoming engagements and research presentations. 


A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives.
— Jackie Robinson


Let's Talk.

Depending on the service, we offer an hourly rate or a flat rate. Our team of educators will review your request(s) and provide you with rate options that best meet you, your group, and/or your organizational needs.